For print only.

Shred Day returns to Gateway


Monday, March 11 (11:00 a.m.): Drive-through Shred Day will be returning to the Gateway parking lot on Tuesday, March 19, from 9 a.m. to noon or until the trucks are full.

Drop-off and payment procedures include:

  • Place boxes/bags of items to shred in vehicle’s trunk. No plastic bags.
  • Remain in car, and staff will open the trunk.
  • Place payment ($5 per bag/box) in an envelope next to boxes/ bags to be shred. Cash or check made payable to GRF only. Staff will be unable to provide change.
  • Do not remove staples, paper clips, fasteners, hanging file folders, spiral notebooks, binder clips or rubber bands.
  • Remove the following: three-ring notebooks, binders, X-rays, plastics, photos, metals, store receipts, garbage, etc.

All materials shredded will be recycled. There can be no contaminants.

No walk-ups. Call 1-925-988-7700 with any questions.
