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GRF closes Tice Pool again because of excessive heat

By Jackie Carlisle

Fitness Manager


Tuesday, July 2 (12 p.m.): Due to extreme heat and unhealthy conditions for staff and residents, GRF closed Tice Pools at noon on Tuesday, July 2 as the indoor  temperature was expected to reach 102 degrees.

There will be no aquatic programming or classes at the Tice Pools today. Staff will be dispersed to the Dollar and Hillside pools because of the heat-related closure to monitor outdoor conditions. The outdoor pools will be closed if the temperature reaches 102 degrees due to the water temperature reaching levels that are not safe for the community’s use.

It was the second straight day the pool had to close because of unsafe elevated temperatures.

Staff thanks residents for their understanding as the region deals with an excessive heat advisory for most of the week.
