Rossmoor Evacuation Drill
Wildfire Evacuation Community Meeting
This meeting was held Wednesday, April 27. It details wildfire response operations and emergency planning, the upcoming Wildfire Evacuation Drill to take place on Sunday, May 15, and answers from supporting agencies such as Contra Costa County Fire, Rossmoor EPO, CERT and the American Red Cross.
Wildfire Evacuation Drill
- When: Sunday, May 15 at 7 a.m.
- Who: Mutual 68 (WCR-E002 zone) residents ONLY
- Where: Meet at Heather Farm Park Ball Field 1 parking lot
Sign up to participate
Mutual 68 (WCR-E002) residents only:
We are seeking participants from the Mutual 68 neighborhood (Zonehaven Evacuation Zone WCR-E002) in Rossmoor to help train our first responding agencies in a drill exercise on May 15. Residents of Mutual 68 who wish to participate in the drill must register in advance in order to receive alerts and instructions from the Contra Costa County Community Warning System and WC Alert. The deadline to sign up to participate is May 8.
Not sure if you are in the drill zone?
Find your evacuation zone here.
Evacuation Drill Flyer
To view and print the Rossmoor Wildfire Evacuation Drill flyer, click on the blue button below.