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How We Are Governed

GRF Board of Directors

Left to Right: Dwight Walker, Cheryl Hines, James Lee, Mary Hurt, Leanne Hamaji, Ted Bentley, Maxine Topper, Roy Yang, Carol Lehr

Click on any GRF Board of Director to see their bio page

Leanne Hamaji, President, District D
Cheryl Hines, Vice President, District F
Maxine Topper, Secretary, District B
Mary Hurt, Treasurer, District I
Ted Bentley, Director, District C
James Lee, Director, District G
Carol Lehr, Director, District E
Dwight Walker, Director, District H
Roy Yang, Director, District A

Rossmoor Governance (GRF and Mutuals)

The residential properties in Rossmoor are managed by separate homeowners’ associations formed as California nonprofit Mutual corporations (the “Mutuals” or “Mutual Corporations”).

The recreational amenities in Rossmoor are held in Trust for the benefit of the Mutuals. The named Trustee is the Golden Rain Foundation of Walnut Creek (GRF), a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation.

Residents elect the boards of both their Mutual and GRF, which regularly seek resident input and involvement.

For more information, please visit our Golden Rain Foundation page.


Rossmoor Homeowners Association (Mutuals)

Rossmoor has 23 different Homeowners Associations, called Mutuals, defined by Davis-Stirling as “nonprofit corporations or unincorporated associations created for the purpose of managing a common interest development (CID).”

Rossmoor has three types of CIDs: Co-ops, Condos and one PUD (planned unit development). Each of Rossmoor’s Mutuals has similar styles of housing. Currently, each Mutual hires a managing company (the Mutual Operations Division) to manage the upkeep of the property, which includes painting, roofing, deck and fence work, landscaping and street repairs.

Each Mutual has a board of directors that establishes policies and rules and sets budgets to maintain the property. The boards serve the needs of the residents.

There are three co-op Mutuals: First Mutual with 1,878 units; Second Mutual with 1,387 units; and Mutual Eight, with 103 units.

Co-ops are “share” corporations that own title to the real property (buildings and land). The owners (“members”) of the corporation receive an exclusive right of occupancy to an apartment together with the ownership of one share of stock in the corporation. Since the corporation owns the property, it does almost all of the external maintenance of the buildings and grounds and is responsible for major appliances. Funds from the fees pay for these services.

There are 14 condo Mutuals: Third Mutual with 1,676 units; Fourth Mutual with 286 units; Fifth Mutual with 18 condos; Mutual 22 with 43 units; Mutual 28 with 84 units; Mutual 29 with 106 units; Mutual 30 with 76 units; Mutual 48 with 62 units; Mutual 56 with 37 units; Mutual 58, which is the Waterford congregate living with 300 units; Mutual 59 with 108 units; Mutual 65 with 44 units; Mutual 68 with 235 units; and Mutual 70 with 172 units.

The one planned unit development (single-family homes) has 63 homes. Condos and the single-family homes also pay monthly fees for upkeep of the property.

Originally permitted for 7,350 manors, Rossmoor Rossmoor has a total of 6,678 units today.

HOA Fees

Rossmoor in Autumn.Monthly assessments (HOA dues) for property maintenance, operation of community facilities and certain recreational and community services range from around $800 to $1,000, depending upon the type of housing owned. The Waterford congregate facility has a higher monthly assessment because it offers more services such as dining and housekeeping. The work is provided to the Homeowners Associations through an on-site property manager.

The monthly assessment covers the following on the condominiums and co-ops:

  • Work on the exterior of buildings, such as roof and deck replacement and painting
  • Landscape maintenance in all neighborhoods; owners of the single-family homes are responsible for their own home maintenance
  • Use of all common facilities such as the fitness center, pools, tennis courts and the clubhouses; residents pay a small fee to play golf on the 18-hole and nine-hole courses
  • Bus transportation throughout the community and nearby shopping areas and BART
  • Security service and front-gate monitoring
  • All common landscaping, road and sidewalk work
  • Water, trash removal and basic cable TV
  • Homeowner association reserves
  • Entertainment and cultural programs and movies, counseling services, a full-service library, a weekly newspaper and a TV station

In co-ops, the monthly assessment (or “coupon”) includes the base HOA dues plus the property taxes assessed to the individual unit. The “coupon” includes the property taxes; however, the HOA dues do not.

HOA dues + property taxes = monthly assessment (or “coupon”).

Thus, each unit owner’s monthly “coupon” is unique to the unit and consists of the current HOA fee plus the assessed property tax.
