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Popular Firewise Town Hall returns Jan. 14 to the Event Center

Monday, January 6 (1:30 p.m.): Wildfire is a subject of concern to everyone in Rossmoor. The Firewise Town Hall held in June had standing- room-only attendance and could only accommodate 100 participants on Zoom. Interest in this event was so high that the Firewise Committee decided to bring it back in January with expanded Zoom coverage.

The next Firewise Town Hall will be held Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Event Center. Zoom also can host 500 viewers this time for a virtual audience.

The focus of the meeting will be on how Rossmoor and public officials are working to reduce the potential for wildfires as well as steps that residents can take to prepare for such emergencies. There will be speakers from Rossmoor as well as from the Walnut Creek Police Department and the Contra Costa Consolidated Fire Protection District.

Residents are encouraged to come early as attendance is expected to be high. Residents also can also attend the event via a webinar on Zoom that will be run by Rossmoor’s Communications Department.

While still a work in progress, there will be an opportunity to submit questions in advance of the meeting.

Details on the webinar and other meeting logistics will be provided in a Jan. 8 article in the Rossmoor News.
