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Heat uproots oak tree at Dollar Park, temporarily closing picnic area

By Ann Peterson

Managing editor


(Friday, June 7) Several days of heat likely caused an oak tree at Dollar Park to uproot, causing minimal damage and no injuries but requiring the nearby picnic area to close temporarily while the tree is removed.

Landscape Manager John Tawaststjerna said the picnic area will remain closed through the weekend while Waraner Bros. Tree Service works to remove it.

Tawaststjerna said the oak tree was studied a few months ago and no decay was found. A master arborist determined that the tree was unlikely to fall, but the Landscaping Department put a split-rail fence around it as a precaution.

Ed Waraner, owner of Waraner Bros. Tree Service, said hot temperatures can cause trees to not “transpire,” which is when trees release water through their leaves. The trees still take in water through their roots, which causes limbs to become heavy and sometimes break. In this case, the entire tree uprooted,
