Overflow room reserved for part of the Aug. 12 Policy Committee meeting
By Executive Services staff
An overflow room has been reserved for the upcoming GRF Policy Committee meeting on Monday, Aug. 12. The overflow room will be located at the Gateway Complex in Multipur-pose Room 3. The meeting can be watched from this room via Zoom.
The overflow room was set up after the July Policy Committee meeting, which had a high volume of attendees to hear discussion about possible changes to room reservations and rent-al policies. That discussion will continue in the Aug. 12 meeting.
The overflow room will be available from 1 to 2:30 p.m. The room’s available time might be shorter than the length of the meeting, but at-tendees will be required to leave at 2:30 p.m. as there is another meeting that will be beginning at that time. Signs will be posted on Aug. 12 with the details about the overflow room.
Residents can also attend the meeting via Zoom using this link https://rossmoor.zoom. us/j/89912958919. This link and all GRF Board and Committee agendas and meeting informa-tion can be found on Rossmoor.com under the ‘For Residents’ tab by clicking on GRF Board and Committee Meetings.