Counseling Services
Rossmoor Counseling Services can be reached at (925) 988-7750 or via email:
The goal of Rossmoor Counseling Services is to help Rossmoor Residents achieve maximum life satisfaction and maintain their independence.
The Counseling Office is available to assist residents by providing brief psychotherapy as needed. Sessions are provided in office or in the home if the resident has difficulty traveling to Gateway Clubhouse in Rossmoor. Sessions can also be provided via video chat or phone, based on need and safety precautions. There is no out-of-pocket fee for these services.
In addition to clinical services, Rossmoor Counseling provides assistance with long-term care planning, family consultation, and community resource information. There is no out-of-pocket fee for these services.
Counseling Services is staffed by licensed clinicians with professional training and expertise in gerontology. All consultations are confidential.
Counseling Programs
Some of the programs offered through Counseling are:
- Brief Individual Counseling
- Brief Couples Counseling
- Resource information and connection
- Support Groups
- Optimum Wellness Lecture Series
- Other Special Events throughout the year.
- Forms such as the POLST, Advanced Healthcare Directive, and The Five Wishes can be obtained in the counseling office along with many other resources.
How to Contact
Rossmoor Counseling Services is in the Gateway Clubhouse in Rossmoor.
1001 Golden Rain Road
The office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Call 925-988-7750 to schedule an appointment with one of the clinicians.
If you need assistance outside of office hours, leave a message in the confidential voicemail and we will return your call during office hours. If you need immediate assistance or are experiencing a psychiatric emergency, please call the following:
24-hour support services
911 Emergency
Dial 911
Contra Costa Crisis Center
Dial 211.
The Friendship Line – An accredited crisis line for people aged 60 years and older, and adults living with disabilities
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Stand! Against Domestic Violence
24/7 Crisis & Support Line: 888-215-5555
Other supportive services outside of Rossmoor:
Contra Costa County Adult Protective Services
Meals on Wheels Diablo Region
Food Service: 925-937-8607
Fall prevention checklist
Click here
Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
Counseling Service Clinicians
Penny Reed, Manager
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
(925) 988-7752
Lynn Welch
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
(925) 988-7753
Grace Liu
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Florence Clifton
Administrative Assistant