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For Residents

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To report a landscape, irrigation or pest issue, contact the work order desk at 925-988-7650 or if it doesn’t require an appointment, email To report an emergency after hours, contact Securitas at 925-988-7899.

Parks and Trails

Rossmoor encompasses 1,800 acres of land, 700 of which are preserved open space. There are local parks to stroll, botanical gardens and viewpoints to take in of scenic Tice Valley, Mt. Diablo and beyond. For those seeking adventure, there are more than 9 miles of trails to explore.

Exploring Rossmoor: Parks, Viewpoints and Trails

Landscape Services

The Mutuals and Projects within Rossmoor provide and manage all landscape and tree services, except within private atriums/enclosures, and permitted private gardens. Clubhouses, open spaces, the golf course, and other trust property landscapes are managed by the Golden Rain Foundation.

Frequency of Service

Generally speaking, landscapes are serviced once per month, which includes seasonal pruning of shrubs, removing debris from the sidewalks and addressing weeds. Lawns are mowed weekly in the summer and monthly in the winter.

Irrigation, Maintenance or Pest Issues

For requests having to do with landscape maintenance, irrigation issues or rodents, your first point of contact is the Work Order Desk. They can be reached by phone (925-988-7650) and you will be provided with a work order number to track your request. You also can email requests ( If submitting by email please be sure to include all of the following information for best results:

  • Include the subject in the title line of your email — ie; ‘irrigation,’ ‘pruning,’ etc.
  • Include the street, entry, building and unit number in your request
  • Be specific and brief with requests
  • Only requests within standard maintenance parameters are accepted. Requests for personalized pruning or extra services will not be honored out of fairness to all residents and their coupon.
  • Make only one submittal for each issue.

Reporting missing plants

If a plant near your manor has died and needs to be replaced, please email
To qualify, the vacant area must be at least 4-feet by 4-feet, currently irrigated, and have no pots in the area.

Requests are accepted until August 15th and replacements only take place between October and March when supplemental irrigation needs are minimal and survival is more likely. Appropriate replacements will be chosen by management.

Landscape Requests

Special requests for personalized landscaping are not accepted. This enables staff and volunteers to treat all residents equally and keep coupon costs to a minimum. However, if the landscape around your manor has deteriorated and a repair is needed beyond basic maintenance, please contact your landscape representative to assess the situation. Do not submit requests to the landscape department, as they are only accepted via the landscape representative.

To obtain contact information for your landscape representative, contact the Work Order Desk (925-988-7650).

Tree maintenance

If tree limbs are rubbing against your building or you observe large dead limbs, contact the Work Order Desk ( or 925-988-7650).

Trees-pruning for view

Trees are an integral component of the overall setting and ecological health of Walnut Creek, and as such they are protected by city ordinances.

If a view from your manor is being obstructed by a tree, in some instances you may be able to have it pruned. There are rules that restrict us from ‘topping’ or removing more than one-third of any tree so not all views can be achieved, particularly when older, established trees are concerned.

Note that Mutuals do not pay for view pruning, work of this nature is payable by the requesting resident. Written approval from affected neighbors is also required.

Rossmoor approved contractors MUST be used to ensure compliance with local laws. If a resident arranges to have a tree pruned without permission or with a contractor that is not pre-approved, steep fines apply.

The arborist can advise you as to what may or may not be possible.

In order to be contacted by an arborist, download and fill out the following forms and return them to the Mutual Operations Department at:

800 Rockview Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
C.O. Landscape manager

Tree pruning forms

Landscape Representatives

Each Mutual has one or more volunteer Landscape Representatives who serve as a liaison to residents for landscape issues. They are available to speak with or meet residents and hear their concerns, then work with the landscape department and Mutual Board members to see what might be done.

Encroachment/Alteration Permits

Some Mutuals may permit residents to encroach onto the common area in order to install a path to a rear door. In order to apply for permission, please visit the alterations page at

Interacting with Gardeners and Landscape Staff

We ask that you please not interact or make special requests to the gardeners or other landscape staff. This is disruptive to their work and may get them in trouble, as they are following instructions from their supervisors. If you have a request, contact the Work Order Desk and your message will be delivered to the appropriate contact.

Carport Servicing

The landscape department does not service or clean leaves from carports, as they are exclusive use common area.

For more information, use the links below:

Rossmoor 2025, 5-Year Landscape Plan

Common Area and Gardening

Leaf Blowing

Roundup and Chemical Reduction through Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Fire Protection

Memorial Benches and Donations

Plants of Rossmoor

Private Gardens

Resale inspections and requirements (Landscape)

Tree Guidelines

Water Conservation









