Golf Course: Local Rules
Local rules as adopted by the Men’s Club, Women’s 18ers and Women’s 9ers Clubs.
SUMMARY – Explanations and Clarifications are included on the following pages.
- Protection of Staked Trees (Model Local Rule E-10). Take relief under Rule 16.1b.
- Relief from Exposed Tree Roots (Model Local Rule F-9.2). Take relief under Rule 16.1b.
- Relief from Cracks in the Ground (Model Local Rule F-8). Take relief under Rule 16.1b.
- Relief from Animal Dung (Model Local Rule F-12). Take relief under Rule 16.1b, 16.1c or 16.1d.
- Relief from Animal Hoof Damage (Model Local Rule F-13). Take relief under Rule 16.1
- Relief from Damage by Animals’ Footprints in Bunkers (Model Local Rule F-10). Take relief under Rule 16.1b.
- Relief from Immovable Obstruction (sprinkler head) close to Putting Green (Model Local Rule F-5). Take relief under Rule 16.1b.
- Alternate to “Stroke and Distance” for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds (Model Local Rule E-5).
- Preferred Lies Rule (Winter Rules Model Local Rule E-3).
- Hole #15, Dollar Ranch Golf Course is Ground Under Repair (Model Local Rule F-1).
- Relief from Flower Beds (Model Local Rule E-8)
- Creekside #1 Fence Penalty (Model Local Rule 17.2)
Protection of Staked Trees
Trees marked with stakes or fencing are considered “No Play Zones”. In all areas of the golf course except penalty areas, if your ball lies on or touches such a tree, or if the tree and/or fencing interferes with your stance or area of intended swing, you can take free relief under Rule 16.1b. If your ball is in a penalty area, and you wish to play it from inside the penalty area, if the staked tree interferes only with your stance or swing, you can take free relief under Rule 17.1e(2). But, if your ball is in the “No Play Zone” defined by the staked tree, you must take penalty relief under Rule 17.1e.
Relief from Exposed Tree Roots
A player may take free relief from an exposed tree root in the General Area if there is interference with the lie of the ball or the aera of intended swing. The tree root is considered Ground Under Repair. Take relief under Rule 16.1b. Note that relief cannot be taken if the tree root only interferes with the player’s stance.
Relief from Cracks in the Ground
Cracks in the ground in the General Area are considered Ground Under Repair. If your ball comes to rest in such a crack, or if the crack interferes with the area of your intended swing, you may take relief under Rule 16.1b. This Local Rule does not apply if the crack in the ground only interferes with the player’s stance.
Relief from Animal Dung
Animal dung is a Loose Impediment but can be difficult to remove. Under this Local Rule players may consider goose dung as Ground Under Repair if it interferes with the lie of the ball, stance or swing in the General Area, bunkers or in addition, the line of a putt on the putting green. Free relief may be taken following Rule 16.1b (General Area), 16.1c (bunkers), or 16.1d (putting green).
Relief from Animal Hoof Damage
Damage anywhere on the course (except on the putting green) that is clearly identifiable as having been caused by animal hoofs is considered Ground Under Repair and free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1b,c. This Local Rule does not apply on the putting green since animal hoof damage can be repaired by rule.
Relief from Animal Footprints in Bunkers
Turkey, goose and deer footprints in the bunkers are considered Ground Under Repair. If a player’s ball lands in one of these footprints in a bunker, you have the option of taking free relief under Rule 16.1c. The relief position must be no nearer the hole and remain in the bunker. This Local Rule only applies to interference by turkey, goose or deer footprints with the lie of the ball, not to interference with stance or area of intended swing.
Relief from Immovable Obstruction close to putting green
If an Immovable Obstruction (most commonly a sprinkler head) is in the line of play and within 2 club lengths of the putting green and the lie of the ball, free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1b.
Alternative to “Stroke and Distance” for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds
The official USGA Rule for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds is to take “Stroke and Distance”. This means you get one penalty stroke and hit your ball from where you hit your last shot. But you have an option of Local Rule E-5. For two penalty strokes you may drop your ball within two club-lengths from the edge of the fairway no closer to the hole than the spot where your ball last crossed the out of bounds boundary.
Preferred Lies Rule
Sometimes poor conditions require adoption of this Local Rule. Rule E-3, restricts this to the General Area that are cut to fairway height. However, the clubs have modified this to the entire General Area. “When a player’s ball lies in the General Area, the player may take free relief by placing the original ball or another ball in a relief area within 6-inches- of the spot of the original ball no nearer the hole. If the ball lies in an area that is clearly rough, the improved position must remain in the rough. The need for this Local Rule will be determined based on the course conditions.
Hillside on #15, Dollar Ranch Course
This area is designed as Ground Under Repair. Balls that stay on the hillside are considered lost in Ground Under Repair. Take free relief from where the ball last crossed into this “No Play Zone” (Rule 16.1e). The red tee is the designated “Drop Zone” for any ball hit onto the hillside before the gold tee.
Relief from Flower Beds
All flower beds are Ground Under Repair No Play Zones and players must take relief.
Creekside #1 Fence Penalty
The fence around the pond on Creekside hole #1 is in the penalty area. No free relief if your ball touches the fence or if your swing is interfered with by the fence.”