More News
- A look back: The long and winding road for Rossmoor pickleball
- Pickleball project Town Hall proves informative
- GRF financial report: year-end figures delayed
- Rossmoor residents want more diverse food, beverage options
- GRF Board adopts ban on political columns in News
- Rossmoor’s ZIP code leads Bay Area in all-cash home sales
- Counseling Services to host lecture on ‘Nutrition and Aging’
- Planning Committee signs off on $7.2 million Capital Projects budget
- Marketing Task Force: Creating a more marketing-driven website a priority
- Signups issue with Wevo for EV chargers resolved
- The insurance cost news for 2025 is good, but the future is uncertain
- Finance Committee gets update on status of NetSuite rollout
- Optimum Wellness Lecture will take place Feb. 18 in the Fireside Room
- New rental carts are a hit with Rossmoor golfers
- Tax-Aide appointment sessions begin Feb. 6
- Planning, preparedness driven home at jam-packed Firewise Town Hall
- Problems starting to iron out for room reservations
- Could option to electronically vote come to GRF elections?
- GRF to spend less on property insurance in 2025
- Planning Committee recommends $7.408 million capital projects list
- Kimberlye Gold Band to present free concert Jan. 15 in Fireside
- Lanes to close temporarily during replacement of gate operators starting Monday Jan. 13
- Town hall meeting planned to provide pickleball project updates
- Popular Firewise Town Hall returns Jan. 14 to the Event Center
- A conversation with new Walnut Creek Mayor Cindy Darling
- Holiday Notice: No January 1 Issue of The Rossmoor News
- Grace Presbyterian’s ‘Hope Village’ tiny house complex formally opens
- Transportation services offered Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day
- Planning Committee prioritizes pickleball courts facility for 2025
- Policy Committee recommends ending political columns
- Early storm serves as reminder of being prepared
- Board unanimously endorses room-reservation changes
- Ray of hope found for Rossmoor mortgages
- Rossmoor reflects one of the nation’s most religiously diverse counties
- Tice pool roof panel work progressing on schedule
- Policy Committee sours on return of political columns
- Increased cost calls into question future of pickleball facility
- Solar panel work at Gateway shifts to south parking lot
- ‘Meet with the GM’ gathering draws overflow crowd
- Tee Time Reservations are Back Online
- Presentation offers clarity about room reservations process
- Gateway main parking lot will be closed Tuesday morning
- Booking online golf tee times is temporarily down
- New Residents Fair will be held on Oct. 30
- Medical Center for new MOD gains momentum at Planning meeting
- Rossmoor Shopping Center goes up for sale
- Few and far between
- Rossmoor reimagines direction of its transit study
- Pedestrian safety takes center stage in October
- GRF approves 2025 operating budget, coupon amount
- Advisory: A heat advisory was issued for our area for today until Wednesday night.
- Solar canopy installation to close portion of Gateway parking lot for three months
- ‘All Around Rossmoor’ is the ultimate go-to guide for residents
- Now entering the slow zone
- Cost of GRF portion of coupon set to rise in 2025
- GRF Marketing Task Force: DEFINING ROSSMOOR
- Slurry seal project to cause traffic delays
- GRF/Finance budget meeting set for Sept. 10 and 11
- Policy Committee Meeting Cancelled
- Some GRF fees set to rise
- ‘Long line’ technique helps PG&E upgrade power lines
- Some ‘individual benefit’ fees to rise, others to remain unchanged
- Policy Committee discusses overhaul proposal for room reservations
- Defining the ‘coupon’
- Contra Cost Health recommends masking in crowded indoor locations
- Options vary for golf cart insurance
- GRF continues to weigh alternatives for new MOD home
- Overflow room reserved for part of the Aug. 12 Policy Committee meeting
- UPDATE #2: Power outage in Rossmoor
- UPDATE: Power outage in Rossmoor
- Power outage in Rossmoor
- Club officials get a tutorial on proposed new room reservation procedures
- Autonomous shuttle launches
- GRF Board adopts its goals for fiscal year 2025
- First Mutual announces date for election and ballot tabulation meeting
- Hot weather comes at cost – $500,000 to water golf courses
- Incident at Fitness Center involves police, investigation
- Pools can’t escape the heat
- County’s emergency warning alert system is under fire
- Rossmoor named one of top retirement communities in the state
- Intergenerational Mermaids and Pirates Pool Party at Hillside
- Wastewater treatment agency is looking for help from Rossmoor residents
- Heat closes indoor and outdoor pools on Tuesday
- GRF closes Tice Pool again because of excessive heat
- Excessive heat warning issued for this week
- Latest pedestrian accident heightens efforts to improve traffic safety
- Committee recommends delaying golf turf reduction projects – for now
- Hillside Pool closed on Monday, June 24, 2024
- Firewise in Rossmoor
- Transportation grant promises accessibility help for seniors
- Transition to EV vehicles continues in Rossmoor despite infrastructure hurdles
- Residents invited to hear about new autonomous shuttle on Wednesday at Fireside Room
- Pedestrian suffers multiple injuries in collision with golf cart
- Heat uproots oak tree at Dollar Park, temporarily closing picnic area
- What is Firewise? Residents can find out June 10
- New vendors add spice to Farmers’ Market
- Missing Rossmoor resident located
- WCPD issue alert for missing Rossmoor resident
- Golden raintree removed after trunk splits
- Public Safety takes spotlight in latest GRF Virtual Town Hall
- GRF welcomes its new Fitness/Aquatics manager
- Technological refinements designed to help PG&E more narrowly focus power shutoffs
- Studies front and center in Planning Committee business