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For Residents

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Public Safety & Security


Securitas is Rossmoor’s security service provider with 24-hour, seven days a week staffing inside the Rossmoor gate. Services include entrance control at the main gate, motorized patrol of the community, assistance by Emergency Medical Technicians, response to emergency and non-emergency requests for service. In addition, the Securitas staff issues access devices for cars and identification cards at Creekside Public Safety office. Residents and their families can obtain access devices and identification cards at the Securitas office Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For an access tag, you will need to bring your car to the Public Safety Office and you will need to present your valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration.

Contact information:

Guest clearance:
(925) 988-7843

Front gate emergency:
(925) 939-0693

Non-emergency requests for assistance:
(925) 988-7899

Stair-Trac wheelchair assistance:
(925) 988-7899

Security/Public Safety Office:
(925) 988-7841

To find out more about Securitas, visit

Guest Clearance

The process for guest entry is as follows:

  • Guest passes are issued for the number of days as specific by the resident, up to 30 days.
  • Guests must present their driver’s license, which is scanned by the gate attendant, and a paper pass is provided that the guest must keep on their dashboard for subsequent visits. The driver’s license scanning and printing process is just for the first entry and is good for the duration specified by the resident.
  • After 30 days, guests must have their driver’s license rescanned and a new pass printed upon their next visit. The allotted time is 60 days for those on a resident’s permanent guest list.

Residents can obtain access for guests as follows:

Public Safety Forms

Stair-Trac wheelchair assistance

Securitas offers wheelchair assistance to residents into and out of their manors. Using a wheelchair, the Stair-Trac safely maneuvers residents up and down stairs. Free trips (up or down) are limited to 20 per manor per calendar year. For information about the service, call (925) 988-7899.

Download Stair-Trac Guidelines

Emergency Preparedness

It is the goal of the Foundation to facilitate resident self-preparation and to utilize available Foundation resources to benefit the community when disaster strikes. The following outlines ways in which the Foundation plans to achieve this goal. The Foundation takes an active role in emergency preparation, and is in a unique position to provide residents with access to vital information, and the skills needed to prepare before disaster strikes. The Foundation commits to assist residents’ self-preparation efforts by:

  • Distributing and making available an emergency preparation guide for residents, including the Be Prepared Safety Card
  • Using Channel 1083, the Rossmoor News and Nixle as appropriate for public service announcements
  • Supporting and assisting resident driven response and training groups such as CERT, EPO, Entry Coordinators, Map Your Neighborhood, and others
  • Coordinating with the local government and other non-governmental organizations (Red Cross) as appropriate in disaster planning

Download REDI information

The Foundation’s Limited Role in Emergency Response

The Foundation’s ability to respond following a disaster may be very limited in the initial days following an event. To the extent possible under the circumstances, the Foundation will:

  • Establish an Emergency Operations Center at the Gateway Clubhouse that will direct the Foundation’s response efforts
  • Coordinate with the Foundation’s Public Safety provider
  • Aid the cooperation between the Foundation, the Rossmoor Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), other resident emergency preparedness groups, and the Mutuals
  • Evacuate trust properties if necessary
  • Evaluate trust properties, including clubhouses, and as appropriate open them for use
  • Control and coordinate gate access
  • Facilitate entrance of emergency response personnel and evacuation of residents if necessary

The purpose of the Foundation’s Emergency Operations Plan is to establish a system for coordinating preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation of disasters in Rossmoor. This plan is intended to be an overview of emergency management and not a detailed operational or procedural document. This plan will enhance the Foundation’s ability to prepare for and respond to all hazard events.  The plan is not event specific or resident specific.

Emergency Operations Plan: 2024

Be Prepared Safety Card

Rossmoor Earthquake Guide

Firewise USA site

Rossmoor has completed the requirements and is recognized as a Firewise USA community. Visit the page to learn more about Rossmoor’s Firewise recognition and find a certificate that might help residents secure a property insurance discount.

Rossmoor: Firewise USA Site

Shaded Fuel Break Around Rossmoor

The shaded fuel break project is happening thanks to a $3.1 million grant obtained in June 2022 by ConFire from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Both GRF and city of Walnut Creek worked with regional elected officials to advocate for this grant.

Shaded Fuel Break Information Page

Community Wildfire Safety

Keeping the Rossmoor community informed and prepared for wildfire risks. Here, you’ll find essential resources, safety tips, and emergency planning guides to help protect your family in the event of a wildfire.

Wildfire Safety Book

PG&E Community Wildfire Safety

Video: PG&E Wildfire Safety


